" I'm 28 ... - 7/20/2004
... I'm beautiful ... and I can get any guy I want!" -- these words were uttered by someone totally wasted. Wasted to the point that one could not remember how one was able to take a bath and change clothes (with a sprained ankle) before going to bed. Yep ... I have never been more drunk in my whole life than I was the other night. (Hey, it doesn't mean I am lasenggera ha ... I'm what you call an occasional drinker.) It's just that it was my birthday celebration and I had a few drinks too many that there are incidents (retold by friends who witnessed the whole thing) I couldn't remember no matter how hard I try. (@_@)

To my friends, thanks for everything -- for listening to my senseless ramblings, for patiently answering my meaningless and repetitive questions, for making sure I wouldn't do sillier stuff, for watching over me and seeing to it that no one would see me in my naked glory, or for simply holding my hand.

I won't promise it will not happen again (mahirap magsalita ng patapos ... coz its bound to happen again sooner or later =) ). Just remember that if you need a hand to hold, I will gladly be there to comfort and give you a hug. Love yah all. (^.^)w