Beautiful Life - 9/15/2004
I am a certified crybaby. I was up till the wee hours of the morning crying my eyes out while watching a japanese drama series called Beautiful Life. Actually, it's the nth time I have watched this drama but still it made me cry bawl like a baby; resulting to a runny nose and swollen eyes.

The first time I saw Beautiful Life was 3 years ago. I got hold of the DVD copy from a friend on a Friday night and finished watching it by Saturday morning. (The drama series has 11 one-hour long episodes.) I raved about it to a friend and she wanted to watch it too so I ended up watching it again (which I was happy to oblige) for the second time on the night of that same Saturday. We weren't able to watch the whole thing in one sitting though; but I think we finished it within 3 days. I loved the drama so much that I purchased my own DVD copy. It also started my Japanese drama craze and had me going to Tsutaya, renting out other Japanese TV drama series.

To improve my Japanese listening skills, I thought of watching the drama again last Monday. (I have been regularly watching drama series on TV but unfortunately none caught my interest this season.) And again, it didn't fail to tug my heart. So what's so good about this drama? (For the synopsis, please see link of drama.) Aside from the good acting of the dashing Kimura Takuya and the beautiful Tokiwa Takako, this heartwarming drama shows how love conquers all despite physical limitations.
