misc. - 9/09/2004
Last month, I promised to myself that I would try to update my blog at least three times a week. And I think I've been doing great until recently. Have I been this busy that I haven't posted a thing since last week? Well, not really ... maybe a teeny-weeny bit. I was quite busy with work the past three days; I even had to stay at the office past 10pm (which is something I haven't done for a while). Besides that, things are pretty much the same.

Well, last weekend was fun. Four of my friends celebrated their birthdays. There was a party -- a wholesome one with games, lots of food and a limited amount of alcohol. (Mr. Cuervo was not invited; maybe because he overstayed the weekend before that. And what a nerve! Bringing along a friend whose name I forgot but whose effect I can clearly remember. =) Again, happy birthday guys!!!

Also last weekend, I learned how to play mahjong! (Is this something to be proud of? :D) It isn't as complicated as I thought. At first, identifying the characters and choosing what combination to form were a little bit confusing. But after a while, I got the hang of it and things became easy. I even won three times! (So, mga mare, when will be the next session? lol)

What else ... hhmmm, I received a wonderful news yesterday from the company I work for. The company will be providing "special allowance" to level 1 and level 2 passers of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. The allowance is quite BIG. It will surely motivate people to study harder. I took the level 2 exam last December but unfortunately I failed.=( Anyway, I will be taking the exam again this December. Unlike last year, I plan to study ahead of time (not cram eveything a week before the exam). And I do hope and pray that this time around I can make it!

[I'm thinking of making a daily japanese lesson entry (something like word and sentence pattern of the day). This would surely help me in my preparation for the exam; and maybe, it can also be of great help to others. Wadda you think?]