Playing favorites - 9/16/2004
I remember not too long ago, during a not so busy day in the office, my friend K and I were talking about different stuff when the subject matter of favorites came up. One of us said (I can't remember if it was her or me) that we might find ourselves in a situation where we will be asked what our favorite movie is but since we didn't come prepared, we end up naming one lame movie and that may cause the downfall of our career or the abrupt end of a possible relationship (hehehe...ang drama!). And so we thought that we better come up with a list of our favorites which may come handy in case the need arises.

So what is your all time favorite movie?

That question made me squint my eyes, crease my forehead, stare at the ceiling, think hard for 30 secs and then say -- can I have more than one?

Of course not, you can only have one all time favorite!

After another round of squinting, creasing, staring and thinking, I ended up saying -- can I have my answers sub-categorized? like favorite comedy movie, drama, action, epic and so on and so forth?

I realized that naming favorites is one difficult task for someone who likes various things. You can't make me choose between LOTR and Bridget Jones Diary; they are two entirely different movies and I love them both. I am like the Golden Globes, there should be one favorite for the musical-comedy category and another one for drama category. And it's much more difficult for someone who tries to come up with favorites which won't make him appear too cheesy or stupid. Like for instance, when asked what your favorite book is, naming a book by Judith McNaught or Nora Roberts doesn't sound too impressive when compared to naming one by Steinbeck or Hemingway right?

Well, I wasn't able to come up with my favorites that day. So, I thought of having one right now. But since having just one favorite doesn't work for me, I'm gonna list three per category (hoping I can remember at least one of them when asked). Here's my short list:

What is your favorite ...

... movie?
-- LOTR (please don't make me choose just one of the three :D)
-- Bridget Jones Diary
-- The Shawshank Redemption

... book? (arghhh, still hard to choose just 3)
-- Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell)
-- Interpreter of Maladies (Jhumpa Lahiri)
-- Bridget Jones Diary (Helen Fielding)

... song?
-- More than words (Extreme)
-- You should know by now (Angela Bofill)
-- I will survive (Gloria Gaynor)

... TV series?
-- Sex and the City - I likey!
-- Friends
-- Will & Grace

... fruit?
-- strawberries
-- grapes
-- banana

... vegetable?
-- broccoli
-- carrot
-- squash

(That's enough for now ... it's late and I can't afford additional creases in my forehead.)

How about you? What are your favorites?