My Wish List - 12/02/2004
Since Christmas is just around the corner, here's the list of things I would love to have in this season of giving. (In case dear Santa [a.k.a. my smart and good-looking friends] happens to read this blog. *wishful thinking* :D )

* CSI dvds (seasons 2 and 4)
* Battery for my Sony P10
* To the Nines by Janet Evanovich (paperback)
* Sex and the City Season 6
* The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings by Amy Tan
* Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides
* Back to the Future - The Complete Trilogy (Widesreen Edition)
* Looney Tunes - Golden Collection
* Gift certificate to a spa
* Creative NOMAD MuVo Armband
* Clothes (shirts, blouses, pants, etc.)
* A nice bag (Gucci, Coach, RL, etc.) -- mas hehehe :D
* A new car -- pinaka hehehe :D
* ...

On second thought, I wouldn't mind not getting a thing this year for I have been so much blessed already with a loving family, wonderful friends, a good job, and this and that. But if you insist, you can choose a thing or two from the list below:

* a prayer for my upcoming JLPT exam
* a contribution to the Gawad-Kalinga
* another prayer for my GG (hihihi)
* a heartfelt "Merry Christmas"
* a warm hug
* ... (surprise me!)


How about you? What do you want this Christmas? Me and Santa are good buddies you know ... might hand your list to him. *wink*