A date with myself ... - 11/24/2004
... and my Nihongo study materials.

In my desperate (hopefully not futile) attempt to pass the JLPT (which is less than 2 weeks away), I am spending a non-working holiday (勤労感謝の日 - Thanksgiving Day) at Starbucks-Fujisawa (for the reason that I can't seem to make myself study at my own place with DVDs and internet within my reach) alone.

Yes my dear friends ... ALONE (as in 一人で). To those who know me well, they may find that inconceivable. For the sole reason that I am not the type of person who goes out and does things alone. (Of course, not counting the times when I do my grocery shopping and the likes.) In my 28 years of existence, I haven't been to a movie companionless. I could count on one hand the number of times I have eaten a meal outside my home and workplace all alone. (I even haven't tried eating at the office cafeteria all by myself.) Call me a freakazoid or something, but I rather be hungry than dine by my lonesome. I remember this one time when I bought a 1500yen book just to have a 600yen KFC meal. I had to go to a place in Yokohama (a 30-minute train ride from my place) to buy something; haven't eaten the entire morning, my stomach was churning around four in the afternoon. Between the possibility of collapsing on my way home and eating alone, I had no choice but to grab a meal at a nearby KFC. But before doing that, I dropped by a bookstore and bought a book to a accompany me during my meal.

Anyway, I am in my second hour of studying ... just taking a break now, writing something for my blog (really wanted to add "... on a piece of table napkin" so as to make it writer-like; but since I am studying, I have a pad of paper with me). An hour or two more perhaps then I'll head back to my place.

--jotted down @ 11-23-2004, 7:19pm


People watching:

* I think the couple sitting next to me are either in their first or second date. Why? Besides the girl being in her giggly and cutesy self, based on snippets of their conversation, they are telling each other what their likes and dislikes are. (Hey! This is a part of the studying. You know ... for the listening portion of the exam. hehehe :D)

* The guy, who's having an orange juice, across me is kinda cute. He is alone. But what's with the two mobile phones? I guess he needs two to keep him busy.

* The two girls sitting two seats away are a bit loud; makes it harder for me to understand what the couple next to me are saying.

* A girl, also alone, sitting next to the 2-phone guy is reading a book on cross-stitching.

(Quite a number of people in here are by their lonesome.)

--jotted down @ 8:22pm


* The 2-phone guy just took the couch next to me after the couple left. He also has a book entitled Rolex Buyer's Guide to keep him occupied. (He's not only cute, he has money too. :D)

--jotted down @ 8:35pm


You know what ... this is not so bad. I might do this again very soon. Besides not having much choice (gurls, missing you a lot talaga), this could be a big step in my journey to self-confidence. (And who knows ... the next cute guy might approach and strike a conversation with me next time around. (^.^)

--jotted down @ 9:35pm


the two noisy girls ... cute guy's head at the left

girl with the book on cross-stitching

calorie-intake (@_@)