Starting anew - 9/24/2004
Three of my friends will be embarking on a new journey soon. One will be going home for good after a 2-year stay in Japan, two will be leaving our company and start a new career somewhere else. I feel happy and excited for them coz they have been hoping for this but still I can't help myself from feeling sad.

With my reaction regarding their moving on, I couldn't help but wonder how my friends are feeling right now. I talked to them just recently and asked how things have been. More or less, I was expecting a "I am excited and could not wait to start this new journey", but it didn't totally surpise me when I got a different answer. Well, I just wanna say,
"I know you've wanted this for so long. In some ways, you are looking forward and excited to embark on this new journey. Yet, you can't help but feel sad and melancholy. You are now having second thoughts and have started asking yourself if you have made the right decision. Don't you worry, that's a normal reaction. You have been used to this kind of life. Change can be scary. And you know what's the hardest part in the process of moving on? It is leaving behind the people you have grown to love and care for. But don't fret, distance doesn't change anything; a friend will always be a friend. They are just an IM, a text, a call or an e-mail away.=) Hey, I wish you the best in life. My prayers will be with you always. (And kung sa McDo pa, kita-kits!)"