Politically ignorant - 1/30/2005
I just realized how ignorant I am when it comes to politics. I do read the news online almost everday. But after scanning the headlines and finding nothing that interest me, (as hard as it is for me to admit this) I directly go to the juicy entertainment section. Being the health-freak (read as obsessed with losing weight) I have turned into, I even spend more time in the Health and Fitness section. (Yeah I know I should be ashamed of myself (-_-").

So, what brought up this realization? I just finished watching Fahrenheit 9/11 this evening; and guess what I found out? There is no strong and valid reason for US to attack Iraq! (ano? ngayon mo lang yan nalaman?) Well, I thought that the reasons for going to war with Iraq are because they're responsible for the 9/11 tragedy (hiding the Al qaedas) and that Iraq has in possession weapons of mass destruction (WMD). With the 9/11 tragedy reason, I now know it isn't right. (sorry for my ignorance.) As for the other reason (which I know was the stated reason given by US government), where the hell are these Iraq WMDs? No findings of such thing have been confirmed. After all, they said the WMDs existed in large quantities, they should not be hard to find right? And now I read that US is giving up the search for Iraq WMD. WTF!

No direct link to Al qaeda ... no finding of Iraq weapons of mass destruction ... so what's the Iraq War all about? Greed. It's about some people who want to have all the power and money they could get at the expense of other people ... Iraqi families whose homes have been destroyed, innocent children who haven't caused anyone harm, young men and women who were tricked into thinking they are fighting for a good cause, and other thousands of lives lost in this meaningless war.

What I can not understand is the fact that he won the recent election; which means there is still quite a number of people who think he is deserving of a second term. I guess I'm not the only one who is politically ignorant.

**I know this is a very delayed reaction, I just needed to let it out of my system. I guess from now on I should be more aware of what's going on in my country and around the world ... so, what's the deal with this VAT increase huh?**