Confession of a TV addict - 10/05/2004
I am Odessa ... and I'm a TV (show) addict. I have lost many hours of sleep because of TV shows. First there was Friends; next came Carrie with the girls (SATC) and Will&Grace. Then someone introduced me to Gilmore Girls and Smallville. I won't even deny the fact that I also caught the Dao Ming bug (Meteor Garden). I can still remember the time when I ran after my co-TV addict barefoot outside the apartment at around 3AM because she took one CD in order to make sure I won't watch it without her. It was a riot.:D After that, there was Sydney and the Rambaldi (Alias). And if you have read my previous entry, you should know that I watched CSI nonstop for 9 hours last weekend.

I thought nothing can top that but I was proven wrong when I met Jack Bauer. I started watching the season 2 of 24 yesterday at around 1AM. Just one episode, I said to myself. The next thing I knew it was already 4AM and I was into my 4th episode. I even sent an IM to my friend who was also still up, watching 24 and told her my dilemma. But what can she do? She is also an addict herself. If she lived nearby, we would surely be watching the show together.:D One episode after another, the sun was up and then it was already time to take a bath and prepare for work. After having no sleep for more than 24 hours, here I am, still up and just finished watching another 4 episodes of 24. I am taking a break now only to blog; currently thinking if I should hit the sack ... or just one more episode perhaps ...