NaOH + HCl --> NaCl + H2O - 10/03/2004
Of the many science units I took back in high school, I enjoyed Chemistry the most. Biology was a blah. (Actually, I was really bad at memorizing scientific names of plants & animal and their classifications (family, order, class, etc.) Physics was too theoretical with all its theorems and laws. But the world of Chemistry was simply exciting for me; naming of compounds, balancing chemical equations, chemical reactions, etc. In my second year of chemistry (3rd year HS), we had this lesson on identifying compounds in solutions based on their physical properties (color, smell, etc.) and chemical reactions to some tests (like the litmus paper test, addition of other chemicals which may result to a change in color, formation of bubbles, gas release, precipitation or some other reaction). I think I was able to identify only one component of the solution that was given to me during our lab exam; but nevertheless, it was during that time when I decided that I want to take a Chemistry-related course in college. However, I was not able to go for what I wanted. Computers were really hot that time and my father wanted me to take computer engineering instead. Since there was nothing much I can do, that was what I studied in college (even when I was already in my 2nd year of college, both my teachers in Chem1 and Chem2 were still encouraging me to shift to BS Chemistry. :D); and here I am now ... part of the IT world (and can't hardly remember the things I learned in Chemistry).

So, what brought back all these memories? CSI. I fell asleep around 530AM after watching CSI non-stop from 8PM last night. I find the show fascinating. I am really impressed with the way they solve one crime after another. (Yep, I am fully aware it's only acting pero kahit na.) I am amazed how they can determine the cause of one person's death based on the evidence they are able to collect. Even the way they collect for signs and traces is impressive. How one evidence leads to another one; and when put together, present a clear picture of what had happened. Not to mention the tools and equipments in their lab which they use for visual and audio analysis, DNA determination and trace analysis ... simply wow!

Wouldn't it be cool to have a job like that? To be a forsenic forensic expert? I think I would be good at it. Aside from my love of chemistry, I can be very nosy. :D I am also a meticulous person (even have an OCD tendency). I am not sure though if I would not puke when things turn too gory.